Myth Busters: Modular Edition

Modular homes have become the target of some pretty tall tales over the years. Much of this has been derived from a general lack of understanding, or a general misunderstanding, about what they are and how they are built. In its infancy, 40-50 years ago, …

What are Factory Built Homes?

This is a term that may not be familiar to many that are looking for a new home. For many, being built in a factory means quality. Almost everything you buy is built in a factory; your phone, your watch, and your car. You depend …

Why Building Outside Can Cost More

Building Science is amazing. Most people never think about building and science in the same sentence. However, the breakthroughs in materials, processes, and tools continue every day. Think about breakthroughs in automotive technology. The more fuel efficient engines, the better safety standards, and precision quality …

What’s Your Style? Meeting it With Modular!

Many prospective new customers that think about a new home stumble across modular homes in the research phase of their project. They learn about its superior quality, indoor construction, and great value! Still others focus on its high energy efficiency and low-maintenance options. With an …

7 Great Tips for Building a New Home

Home inventories are tight. Many times you just can’t find the perfect house. Set your goals and decide if building a home is right for you. It is definitely more work to build than it is to buy an existing home. For many, the advantages …